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I really got into reading ebooks with my Toshiba e805, one of the first PocketPCs that sported a near-VGA screen. Reading on it was pleasant and very easy on the eyes. So I’ve been anxious for the 770 to take over as my primary ebook device– the beautiful screen is certainly up to it. So far I haven’t been disappointed in the least.
We are lucky enough to have two options on the 770 – Plucker and FBReader. I’ve looked at both and FBReader is the clear winner for the 770. FB is super quick, supports plucker formatted books and has a deeper set of options on the 770 than does the current Plucker viewer. The killer feature is landscape rotation- just click the center button on the 770. It’s amazing how fast the 770 and FB render pages– this is the speed that I would like to see on the 770 for all applications.
There are a few good places I’ve found for content.
- Plucker Books – get your books already plucked
- Mobile Read’s E-Book Resources Forum – this is a great place to watch for newly released works
- Manybooks
Project Gutenberg
can now dynamically create plucker formats!
There was an interesting, passionate letter written by Roger Sperberg to Nokia- wherein he addressed many salient points regarding the 770 and ebookery, namely, that Nokia should be working on pre-loading a ebook reader app (FBreader) and free ebooks with the 770.
Fbreader and Plucker screen shots.