Jailbreaking AppleTV 2 with iOS 4.2.1

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The key information is that PwnageTool dosen’t have a release for 4.2.1 as of today (December 29th.). If you buy a AppleTV today you get iOS 4.2.1 on it.

Go here to funkyspacemonkey.com for the directions on how to make Pwonage work.

* Get the right ATV FW version here at iClairified

MicroUSB: http://www.cablestogo.com/product.asp?cat_id=1507&sku=27363#


* PwnageTool: http://public.stuff.hu/pwnagetool/PwnageTool_4.1.2.dmg

* Tinyumbrella: http://cache.firmwareumbrella.com/downloads/TinyUmbrella-v4.21.02.pkg

* Tetheredboot: https://github.com/msftguy/syringe/downloads

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