Wireless Image transfer for iOS and MacOS

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Today, while taking some shots of items for a post with my iPhone I needed to transfer them across to my Mac for some sizing, scaling, and prep for loading up to this blog. My goto app is ImageCapture.app on the Mac which lets me quickly see my iOS photos, select what I want to transfer and then downloads them to the Mac. Of course a cable is required. And I didn’t have one handy. I paused for a moment and reflected that now, in 2018, with all the advances in iOS and MacOS — that this was even necessary. I was saddened that Apple still didn’t have an official way to do this (and the dumpster fire that is called AirDrop even today still burns) but I figured: there must be an app for this. Someone must have solved this issue.

In short, there is and app. It’s on the iOS app store, it’s a free trial and has an in-app purchase of $4.99 to fully enable. It’s SimpleTransfer and it works so well I’m making a post here to talk about it.

Download the app from the Appstore, install and run it. It will open up and show you the IP address of your iOS device and tell you to connect a browser back to this device (you need to be on the same network, which is usually the case if you are both using WiFi).

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After opening up a browser you are connected back to you iOS device and have a really nice organization of your media. All the different types of images are categorized- recent, image bursts, movies, selfies, favorites, panorama, slo-motion and more. Very nicely done and way better than both iOS and iPhoto manages to do!

Navigating down into a section, click on your photo and you can simply download it to your Mac. You can also upload images to your iOS device.

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This is very nicely done app and well worth the $5 to no longer have to keep Lighting cables around just to move images back and forth between devices in 2018.

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