Syncing Treo 650 Photos to the Mac

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What to use to get your Treo 650 photos onto the Mac? The easiest thing I’ve found is SplashData’s SplashPhoto. I’ve been a staunch user of SplashID for a few years now, and have entrusted all my sensitive data to it, but I haven’t looked to closely at SplashPhoto until recently. I got my Treo 650, took some pictures and soon realized that I wanted to get those photos on my Mac.

SplashPhoto has a really nice Palm interface that is integrated with the built-in camera on the Treos. See the little camera icon at the bottom of the screen? Click that and your in camera mode. It also has a nifty slideshow mode that can play back MP3s.

SplashPhoto also has a great interface on the Mac, and a conduit that will sync your photos back and forth between the devices. SplashPhoto is $30.