I’m always on the lookout for the best viewer application to see my appointments and tasks. For a long time I was happy with Agendus, but since was casing way too many problems on the Treo with chattermail, I’ve done away with it. I came across the best looking app I’ve seen for the Palm-…
Monthly Archives: June 2005
BGP Routing Policies in ISP networks
For something a bit more technical, take a look at the below paper. It’s short (7 pages) and gives a great overview of BGP in ISP networks- why they do it, what it does and how you can have fun with BGP. I’ve often wondered about BGP is really used in these situations, but never…
ChatterEmail Update
Marc at ChatterEmail has posted 1.0.7rc1 which fixes an issue with ChatterEmail and the new firmware update from PalmOne for Sprint phones. This version will be released soon as 1.0.7 stable. I’ve installed it and not had any problems so far. Marc also seems to have an OTA updater!: http://update.chatteremail.com…
Treo Super Secret Hard Reset
I had problems with the Treo650 rebooting all the time- and it’s not a secret why it was doing it. There were two issues. First, accessing the data connection when the phone has low signal strength just reboots it. There doesn’t seem to be anything to do for this, short of some firmware from Palm…
Official Treo / Sprint BT DUN is here
Finally they made good on their promise. Palm One has the Treo 650 Updater 1.12 for sprint, which will enable Bluetooth DUN. As well as get rid of the annoying delay in dialing the phone. I’m about to take the plunge. Back in January I tried the hack for this, and it totally messed up…