Scanner Darkly Trailer for Nokia 770

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The new trailer for A Scanner Darkly is out, and there is a feature in the current (March) Wired Magazine about the issues that Linklater has had with the technology to rotoscope this entire movie.

Seeing as how the trailer is very cool, and not too big, I decided to encode it for the 770– which I did using the wonderful encoder from the wiki page.

Here is the resulting 7.2 meg file, which plays and sounds great on my 770.

2 thoughts on “Scanner Darkly Trailer for Nokia 770

  1. Cool- I also encoded the entire Directors cut of Donnie Darko. It came out to a very managable 400megs. I bumped the audio encoding up and it sounds and looks incredible on the 770. Its 2 hours and 14min long… and only 400megs.

  2. Und es geht doch: ffmpeg coding für den Maemo…

    Ich hab es rausbekommen: ffmpeg kann für das coden von Maemo-Videos verwendet werden. Das Problem ist, daß die entstandenen Videos einen falschen fourcc-Header für Video liefert. Mit dem transcode-tool avifix kann man diesen Header korrigieren&#8230…

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