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After some trial and error, and some help from Paul G, I managed to build Open Einstein for both my Intel Mac and for my Nokia 770, using just my Macbook. I followed the directions to build at the Google Code site. I’ll have more explicit directions soon, but the code does build and run on the 770. And you don’t need scratchbox to build it! Excellent work Paul.
Here are some screen shots (click for bigger versions):
After Einstein was built, the directions for starting it are the same as before. The easiest way to control einstein is via SSH into the 770, so that you can shutdown all the Hildon interfaces.
Full directions to build this will be up soon.
Update: There is a new Einstein Platform 2007.7 User Manual at Paul’s Einstein Page.
You can run it any size, up to 2047×2047, with –height and –width. Now, the Maemo decorations can be on the way…
Thanks for the comment. I’ll update my 770 and re-try tonight. Have you gotten it to go 800×480 on the 770?
Hello Andy,
Einstein 2007.7 uses much less RAM and on my Nokia 770 with OS 2006, I am able to launch it without killing Hildon or whatever. I just copy the binary to the internal memory and run it from there (but with the ROM and the flash on the mmc).
There is some initial code in the repository to make it a real hildon application. It’s just not used yet.