Zimbra and new IP’s

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So I’ve been happily using Zimbra as my primary mailserver for a couple of years. My host recently changed IP addresses, and I took the time to update zimbra to the latest release. Two things tripped me up.

First, this upgrade, unlike any other, refused to complete- the LDAP wouldn’t start after it was upgraded. Searching for the error, the forums on Zimbra pointed to DNS issues. Perhaps it was taking a bit longer for my new A records to propagate… but a dig found them correct. I resolved the issue by putting an entry into my hosts file on the server, which allowed LDAP to bind the new IP and the upgrade completed.

Second, I soon discoved that using the WebUI (which is the only thing I ever use, it’s so nice) that I couldn’t send any mail- every address was ‘rejected’ – back to the forums, where I quickly located this nice page, which explained the issue. It was the ZimbraMyNetworks – it contained the old ip address of the server, and since it had changed, it thought the UI (which is running on the server itself) was trying to relay. Following this page I updated the ZimbraMyNetworks settings and switched host networks.

The two best things about zimbra are the price, and the support- by both the community and the developers. I’ve rarely come across such complete docs and support pages for such a complicated piece of software. They really do an excellent job. I hope Yahoo keeps Zimbra open for the long run.

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