Removing Blastwave from Solaris

Solaris on spac is a lot of fun, however, sometimes you need to clear the deck of all the fun and start fresh. With blastwave (CSW) you install pre-built binaries for your system as regular solaris packages. Removing them using pkgrm is a pain if you want to clear blastwave off completely and start fresh…

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Droid Maker – free ebook

I stumbled across and amazing free ebook recently- DroidMaker (the link takes you to the authors blog, where he’s release the PDFs). The story is an amazingly detailed history of the formation of Lucasfilm and the evolution of what became Pixar. I done some 3D modeling and rendering in the past (using Lightwave) and it’s…

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Conficter- sick

Next, Conficker A enters an infinite loop, within which it generates a list of 250 domain names (rendezvous points). The name-generation function is based on a randomizing function that it seeds with the current UTC system date. The same list of 250 names is generated every 3 hours, i.e., 8 times per day. All Conficker…

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Hope for Newton – squashing the 2010 Bug?

Mottek: John Arkley was wrong … Eckhart Köppen has built a Newton patch. So it seems like there are 3 people alive who can do it, despite what John has written. John, Paul and Eckhart. And only one of them is actively developing for the Newton… Which is pretty impressive. Meanwhile, the excellect Nitch software…

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Picassa Upload Button for WordPress

It’s finally been done- ClYang has written the glue to get an upload button in Picassa working with your WordPress (2.7.1) blog. This has been a requested feature for a while. There are plenty of solutions to share a picassa web on a WordPress blog, but this is the first instance (that I can find)…

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Why the best Newtons could die next year

There is a bad bug in the handing of time for Newton OS 2.1, which is used on most Newtons still around today. Details of the bug have been collected on the 40hz site. There is one ‘fix’ that doesn’t completely work. What is needed is a real system patch, and those are just not…

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Mysql Gem for OSX Lepard Ruby

Want to build the mysql gem for the system’s Ruby and use the mysql binary you just installed from Easy, has has the answer and it worked perfectly! I love Google. airbot:~ [504]$ sudo env ARCHFLAGS=”-arch i386″ gem install mysql — \ > –with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql –with-mysql-lib=/usr/local/mysql/lib \ > –with-mysql-include=/usr/local/mysql/include Password: Bulk updating Gem source…

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