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I talked about waiting to get the newer, much slimmer Playstation Lite back in September, when it was just announced. Unfortunately, Sony hasn’t made very many of them, and they are a real bugger to get. I got lucky once again and stumbled into Best Buy about a week ago to get a brush-less vacuum (don’t ask; think oriental carpet) and what do I see but a BB clerk opening up three cartons of them. Employees from all over the store were running over to get one- that was the first shipment of them they’d had in a month or so. So I grabbed one of course. It’s very intriguing how small this version is, given how big the original one was. This new one has ethernet built in, and came with one controller. I picked up GTA:San Andreas and have been captivated by this game since then. It’s well worth the $200 ($150 for the PS2 and $50 for GTA:SA).