I hope this turns out to be true. I’m sick of reading about the Tivo Deathwatch… I love my Tivo and I’m not ready to invest the time and energy in Myth TV. Apple will do it right, and they should be flush with cash by now, after making their 40% on all the ipod…
Monthly Archives: February 2005
Chatter Email is 1.0
This is a little stale, but Chatter Email is now 1.0 and already surging ahead to 1.1. Not only is it all fancy with hirez icons, it’s now rock solid and the absolute #2 app on my Treo 650. The number one app of course is the phone…. There is a whole new website, www.chatteremail.com…
Blackberry Connect for Palm Update
If you were wondering (like me) if this is ever going to pan out, I got a new hit today on google regarding this. This was introduced back in May of 2004. PalmSource Mail for BlackBerry Connect Overview PalmSource Mail for BlackBerry Connect is the standard email client for Palm OS Garnet to connect to…
Syncing, But Apple or Mac?
I started this site out to keep track of my travails with the many, many options and pitfalls of syncing my pim data back and forth from my Macintosh to my current PDA of choice. I feel stupidly proud over the fact that I have some core pim data that was originally entered into my…
WordPress is now running things.
I’ve moved SyncingApple over to the new WordPress 1.5, which is a really amazing piece of software. As support for MT 1.x dwindles away, I wanted to find a more robust and dynamic blog server. WordPress fits that and has many cool features that are nowhere to be seen on MT. Plus now the xmlrpc…