Blackberry Connect for Palm Update

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If you were wondering (like me) if this is ever going to pan out, I got a new hit today on google regarding this. This was introduced back in May of 2004.

PalmSource Mail for BlackBerry Connect Overview

PalmSource Mail for BlackBerry Connect is the standard email client for Palm OS Garnet to connect to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ or BlackBerry Internet Email Service™*. The mail client provides end-to-end secure access to corporate mail servers and seamlessly integrates with existing BlackBerry Enterprise Server installations.

This looks very interesting. (Less so I should say, since I’ve found ChatterEmail and Chatter has gone 1.0.) However, reading more about this I see a strange thing in the suppport details: it’s only going to work on GPRS networks? What? So Blackberry Connect is only going to work with the GSM Treo’s- like on Cingular? I just got my 650 from Sprint, and Verizon would be my second choice. How can this only work on GPRS?

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