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This great review of the new TomTom 5 for the Treo 650 at EverythingTreo reminded me how nice version 5 is. Despite the fact that I can’t load any voices on the Treo (support from the Belgians is not so hot), the interface in 5 is mostly the same as 4, is a bit cleaned up. It supports the Treo 650 now (even with BT GPS receivers) and there is a Macintosh Installer! That saved me lots of time. They have a compass rose now on the display, which was sorely missing from version 4. Their route interface is much more sophisticated and more functional- they really pack a lot of options and power into this software. The review goes over all the goodies, this is one of the coolest things to have on your Treo 650 if you drive. I haven’t had to use Google directions since I’ve had this.