CLI Package Installer

Reinstalling packages after a firmware update via the GUI is a drag. Luckily, you can do it quickly and easily with with a simple cli tool on your 770. Thanks to Andrew Flegg who tipped me off to this tool. Assuming you have SSH setup and your 770 is in R&D mode, ssh into your…

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.51 Update for 770 – Nothing Dramatic

The Nokia team has released the .51 (apparently that refers to the week the update was released) update on their European site. You can download it after you type in the MAC address of your 770 which is located on a sticker underneath the battery. Hint: write it down somewhere so you don’t have to…

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Making Swap

In my quest to speed up the 770 (I think that by loading my bookmarks and RSS feeds I’ve crushed it- it’s just so slow now that it’s mostly unusable) I ran across a link in the comments here to a post on the users list about enabling swap on the MMC, and how that…

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Bookmark Management on the Nokia 770

Ready to export your existing bookmarks onto the 770? Just as I wasn’t willing to enter in my RSS feeds by hand, the same goes for my bookmarks. I wanted to export my perfectly good bookmark lists in Firefox and put them on the 770, since it is supposed to stand in for my laptop…

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Ebooks and the 770

I really got into reading ebooks with my Toshiba e805, one of the first PocketPCs that sported a near-VGA screen. Reading on it was pleasant and very easy on the eyes. So I’ve been anxious for the 770 to take over as my primary ebook device– the beautiful screen is certainly up to it. So…

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Gmail Mobile launched

Gmail mobile is live for mobile devices. It’s a super stripped down interface to your gmail intended for tiny screens on mobile phones. Needless to say, it’s extremely fast on the 770. Using the 770 with this new mobile interface is as fast as email should be. Until the Nokia Osso Email application reaches this…

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Bookmarks Cracked on 770

I figured out how to manipulate the bookmarks for the Opera on the Nokia 770. They are stored in XBEL format. More later as I perfect this. You can export XBEL formatted bookmarks right out of Firefox with the Bookmarks Synchronizer– that is the key. Go here to get a version of the Bookmarks Sync…

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TomTom5 traffic updates in USA

TomTom5 now has live traffic updates in the US, for selected cities. You can get the service free till the end of 2005. There is no traffic info for Philadelphia however. Logging into your tomtom account, you can check the availability of service for many major cities. I selected NYC, since there is service there…

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Linux on the Treo 650

Thanks to the work of Matthew Mastracci, this amazing news is all over the net, but I want to mention it here. Matthew Mastracci has booted a Linux kernel on his Treo. His site has the current status, and he has setup a Treo650 page on the Wiki site. My Treo 650 (from Sprint)…

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Grabbing Screen Shots on the 770

If you want nice screen shots from your 770 you are in luck. Jakub Pavelek has written a cool applet that shows both CPU load and memory (ram) usage. As a bonus, it offers to take both a screenshot and a delayed screenshot. It will also kill running applications to help with the dreaded memory…

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Bluetooth PANs and Nokia 770

In playing with the Nokia 700, it seems silly that Nokia has limited the device to two connectivity realms – wifi and bluetooth phones. There is another type of bluetooth access- via a PAN, or Personal Area Network. I’m only just starting to see what the 770 can do with BT, but already I’ve found…

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Nother test from OPML

This is my first test from the Macintosh version of the OPML editor. Dave released a new version of wp.root yesterday and it seems to support catagories on your blog. So I’m trying it out. I read about it over at Nomadic Coder. Wow, I didn’t realize that the editor understood a link- it just…

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Go Root

I feel like it’s time to enable root on my 770. I want to setup some things and its hard looking around and searching for things without having access to everything. Fortunately, getting root is super simple on the 770. The MaemoWiki has an excellent page on it, but if your in a hurry, all…

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RSS on Nokia 770

So I just got my 770 yesterday, and it seems to be as good as I had imagined. I’ve installed some cool stuff, and am using it as I planned- as a replacement for my laptop around the house when I just want to surf and read the web and rss news… However, I didn’t…

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Nokia 770 USB and Macintosh

You can access the RSMMC card inserted into the Nokia 770 on the Mac just as you can on Windows- just plug the USB cable into the Macintosh and after a few seconds a disk will pop up on your desktop. This comes in handy if you want to move a lot of files over…

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RSS Wrangling on the 770

I was looking around the other day for some good gui blog posting apps for windows. But I was also looking for some good RSS readers for Windows… I ended up looking at RSS Bandit and the OPML editor from Dave Winer. The OPML editor is a bit of a trial, as I don’t see…

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Nokia finally shipping 770

Nokia just informed me last night via email that my 770 (ordered back on the 15th of November, and promised to ship on the 17th) has finally shipped to me. There has been a fairly large amount of consternation regarding the release of the 770. Nokia apparently misjudged the popularity of the device at the…

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Using OPML editor

Just like it says, this is a test from my 2nd attempt with the OPML editor and wordpress. Well, the title in that test post didn’t seem to go right. I’ve edited this with Ecto to make it more presentable…

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Nokia 770

Did I mention that I’m anxiously waiting for my Nokia 770? They call it an internet tablet, but it looks like the next Newton (in a good way). Using real Xwindows and Gnome, this will be very interesting. There is a lot of talk here, in the forums at Internet Tablet Talk, and there is…

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Posting Entries on XP

I wish there was a nice blog editor for Windows. Mars Edit and Ecto (both only available for MacOSX) are the best in the world. Too bad Ecto for windows sucks hard. I’ve even tried the new OMPL editor that Dave W. released, with his WordPress patch, but I can’t get it to work on…

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Audio Books on the iPod

Since I’ve had my iPod Nano, I’ve really started using it with audiobooks. I’ve never listened to audiobooks before (in any format) but there is a certain type of book that really lends itself to an audio book. Plus I’ve really come to enjoy the force feeding of the book, not havisdng to actually hold…

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