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The (non-SCSI) Hard Disk 20 does not work with the Macintosh SE/30. The Macintosh SE/30 has the same logic board and ROM as the Macintosh IIx, which does not support the Hard Disk 20. Therefore, the code to support the drive is not included in the ROM of the Macintosh SE/30.
So much for floppyEmu HDs to move data quickly onto a SE/30.
September 2022 Update –
A BMOW ROMINATOR is the perfect solution to fix this… after I purchased one and also grabbed the SIM Connector replacements from PotatoFi at etsy – one of mine had snapped off- the Mac was working pefectly in 32bit mode and booting happily off the HD20 images on the Floppy Emu.
Rominator installed with new clips:
The Mac developed issues with my Aztek CF card disk replacement- I had to move to a SCS2SD based disk replacement which has been working great.