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My Amiga 500 (and my CD-TV) are both still in my closet, and haven’t been used in years. But long ago I used to work for a store that was exclusively Amiga, back in the early ’90s in Rockville Maryland (Software Advantage was the name) and had lots of fun with those computers back when they were the coolest thing around to use for animation. They were also some of the more temperamental machines, especially when you combined them with the Video Toaster card. If you as much as crossed your eyes and turned on an A2000 with a VT onboard chances were you just blew out your VT board– and now it had to go back to NewTek for repair. We kept spares around, luckily.
Well, now with the porting of the UAE (the Ultimate Amiga Emulator) to PocketPC by Cerial at Pocket Insanity you can play your Amiga stuff again, on your PocketPC. Download the binary for PocketUAE here. It’s slow at the moment, but it does work. You’ll need to track down those little buggers, you know, the kickstart disks– Kickstart 1.3 and 3.1– remember them? There is an ‘official’ licensee of the Amiga Roms now, and they are trying to stop out the free downloads on the net, but if you Google it and move out to about 10 or so, you’ll easily find some for download. Along with about every Amiga game there is.
Here are some screen shots. Below them I’ve listed my current config that works on the Toshiba e405 with WM2003 SE. I used GetPDAScreen for the screenshots, which is a great utility that’s free and works fine on my Toshiba. You just have to be connected via ActiveSync, which usually isn’t a problem, but will slow down the emulation even more.
Bullfrog, a good name in games.
Oops, hadn’t seen one of these in a very long time.
Syndicate, the first mission. A cool game.
Here is my .uaerc file that makes this work on Windows Mobile 2003 SE:
You need to set your chipram to only 1 meg (i.e. set it for ‘2’) or else pocket uae will not work on WM2300 devices. This took a while to track down. Visit the Pocket UAE board for more up-to-date tips and help.
The bottom line: too slow on the Toshiba, but it looks cool.
kickstart_rom_file=roms/kick13.rom cpu_type=68000 c#hipset=aga #cpu_speed=max cpu_speed=20 chipmem_size=2 bogomem_size=0 fastmem_size=0 z3mem_size=0 gfx_width=320 gfx_height=240 gfx_lores=yes gfx_center_vertical=simple gfx_center_horizontal=simple gfx_linemode=none gfx_fullscreen_amiga=yes gfx_framerate=5 #filesystem=rw,HDD:/uae/hdd #hardfile=rw,32,1,2,512,/uae/hdd.hdf #floppy0=disks/Wb3.1_Install.adf floppy0=disks/Syndicate1.adf floppy1=disks/Syndicate2.adf floppy2=disks/Syndicate3.adf floppy3=disks/Syndicate4.adf sound_output=normal #sound_output=interrupts sound_channels=mono sound_bits=8 sound_frequency=11025 sound_min_buff=2756 sound_max_buff=2756 joyport0=mouse joyport1=kbd2
[Posted with ecto]