Unfortunately today my G5 again rebooted. It was up for over a day. So it has nothing to do with the hard-drive, or any corruption of any file. My next step is to move its mains plug around to another house circuit. There is talk that the PMU will act funny if there are line…
Daily Archives: July 29, 2004
Tame your Email with Mail.appetizer
Stefan Schüßler has written one of the most incredibly cool add-ons for Mail.app that I’ve seen. If you know anyone with a PC, then you’ve probably seen Outlook 2003. Have you noticed the cool translucent new mail notification it offers? When new mail arrives (it may only work with Exchange mailboxes) it momentarily floats up a…
Cool App: Colloquy
A really cool open source IRC client for OSX is called Colloquy. It’s very scriptable, has nice features and looks cool. Similar to Adium, this is quite extensible and has a flexible plugin architecture that has spawned some cool stylings for the gui already. Features are: buddy list, DCC support, AppleScriptable, totally open source (they…