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After a fews days of experimentation, I have a workable recipe for using Einstein with the 770. There is work that remains to be done to Einstein, but it does run, just slowly and it is buggy. This is not ready to be a production Newton yet.
First there are some things I’m assuming you have already done:
- have root enabled
- have either SSH over wifi, BT or USBnet
- have a Newton ROM
- have the Einstein package for 770
First, move the einstein package and the ROM over to your 770. You need to run it from the built-in memory, unless you have your flash card partitioned and mounted as a ext2- if so, it will run fine from there.
You don’t have to have any swap enabled, it runs the same with or without it.
You will be ssh’ing into the 770 then running the script below which kills OSS/Maemo/Hildon to free up ram, then finally run Einstein.
The script was provided by Simon Budig (Nomis on #Maemo) who was kind enough to share it with me. I was first killing processes by hand, using the kill command- but in order to do this you must enable the –set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset with the flasher to avoid having the 770 reboot as you kill ‘critical’ processes. Using the script below, and stopping them via the init scripts is the proper way to do this.
Once Einstein is running you type ‘power’ to power it on. It should take about three minutes to start up the first time. After awhile it gets flakey and may disappear from the screen- use the power command once to power it back on.
Note: Run einstein as root!
Nomis’ Script- for USB networking
(this will kill any wifi session- see my modification below if you are using ssh over wifi)
#!/bin/sh export PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin" /etc/init.d/ttyusb0 stop /etc/init.d/lessertunjo0 stop /etc/init.d/osso-ias stop /etc/init.d/af-base-apps stop /etc/init.d/btname stop /etc/init.d/af-startup stop /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher stop /etc/init.d/osso-ic stop /etc/init.d/wlancond stop /etc/init.d/btcond stop /etc/init.d/osso-systemui stop /etc/init.d/esd stop /etc/init.d/osso-hss stop /etc/init.d/bme-dbus-proxy stop /etc/init.d/bluez-utils stop /etc/init.d/dsp-init stop /etc/init.d/kdbusd stop /etc/init.d/btpin stop /etc/init.d/af-services stop /etc/init.d/ stop /etc/init.d/mce stop /etc/init.d/dbus-1 stop /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop /etc/init.d/ppp stop /etc/init.d/ start export DISPLAY=":0.0" /einstein --machine=737041 .
My slightly modified script for SSH via wifi:
#!/bin/sh export PATH="$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin" /etc/init.d/ttyusb0 stop /etc/init.d/lessertunjo0 stop /etc/init.d/osso-ias stop /etc/init.d/af-base-apps stop /etc/init.d/btname stop /etc/init.d/af-startup stop /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher stop #/etc/init.d/osso-ic stop #/etc/init.d/wlancond stop /etc/init.d/btcond stop /etc/init.d/osso-systemui stop /etc/init.d/esd stop /etc/init.d/osso-hss stop /etc/init.d/bme-dbus-proxy stop /etc/init.d/bluez-utils stop /etc/init.d/dsp-init stop /etc/init.d/kdbusd stop /etc/init.d/btpin stop /etc/init.d/af-services stop /etc/init.d/ stop /etc/init.d/mce stop /etc/init.d/dbus-1 stop /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop /etc/init.d/ppp stop /etc/init.d/ start export DISPLAY=":0.0" echo 'done'
I like to start mine by hand. So after the script is run i type:
Nokia770-51:/home/user/newton# ./einstein --machine=737041 . Welcome to Einstein console. This is Einstein Platform Preview 1. This program will expire on July, 14, 2006. Checksum-0: 4AFD2193 Checksum-1: 18710BD6 Checksum-2: 68481A07 Checksum-3: BBB55D42 Checksum-4: 25B60EB7 Checksum-5: 41061AF3 Checksum-6: FFFFFFFF Checksum-7: FFFFFFFF Checksum-8: FFFFFFFF Checksum-9: FFFFFFFF Booting... Type help for help on available commands. einstein> power
and after a few minutes you should see the Newton booting on the screen.
[…] Einstein was built, the directions for starting it are the same as before. The easiest way to control einstein is via SSH into the 770, so that you can shutdown all the […]
I put my screen shots on flicker and on my .Mac photo album- link is here:
No screenshots? :)
I’m excited to hear more about this. I just got my Nokia770 all setup with some utils. Haven’t gotten a dev environment up yet though.