Building Android – Available Now!

Android is OpenSourced, and you can build it yourself on MacOSX or an Ubuntu machine. THis is not the emulator, but real Android OS running on your system. Has the directions. Check out the known-issues page before giving up- there are some rough edges. 10/22 Update: watch out for your file system on the…

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Zimbra and new IP’s

So I’ve been happily using Zimbra as my primary mailserver for a couple of years. My host recently changed IP addresses, and I took the time to update zimbra to the latest release. Two things tripped me up. First, this upgrade, unlike any other, refused to complete- the LDAP wouldn’t start after it was upgraded…

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EEE 901 Ubuntu and Netbook Remix

I was fortunate enough to pick up an EEE 901 for a work project and have spent some time with this machine. I chose the Linux version with 20G, which comes broken down into 2 different ‘drives’ (they aren’t really SSD drives, just chips that plug into the ePCI sockets, but they emulate real PATA…

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Could Android crush iPhone?

I’ve never been happier with a device than I have been my my iPhone. However, there is one huge problem. You can’t write your own software for it (this doesn’t count) , or even hack some existing software that someone else wrote. OK, at least you can’t do those things without using a process called…

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Video on iPhone

I’ve hit on a little TV obsession here in my idle hours between baby feedings. This one is cool because it involves way more than just watching something on the telly. This is unavailable-in-the-US show watching. The kind where you pull torrents of the show down from the net using semi-legit sites, then go about…

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New Apple USB Keyboard

I’ve been dreaming of having a USB keyboard that uses the keys in my Macbook. I’ve been in total love with the keyboard on the MacBook since it came out and I picked one up a few weeks later. The keyboards on MacBookPros feel like crap. The current Mac USB keyboards are also near useless-…

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OpenEinstein build 48 for Nokia 770

I’ve complied OpenEinstein 2007-07 build 48. Current as of today. You can download it below. It’s about 1.8 megs, bzipped. It will expand into a 16 meg file. Feel free to download the binary here. You’ll need this file also: Einstein.rex. The last thing you need of course is a real Newton ROM, so please…

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Managing multiple JMX controls on Tomcat

We had another puzzle at work again. How to manage all the JMX controls that the devlopers had nicely written for us using little tiny MBeans. Normally, the devs just ssh -X over to their tomcat instance and fire up the jmx console via X. This won’t scale out to 10’s of tomcat nodes. And…

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iPhone Compromise Reported

There is a lot of buzz regarding this article that was printed in the NYT this morning. ISE (Independent Security Evaluators) found that not only does every process run as root on the iPhone, the heap is executable. So they fuzzed mobileSafari till they found an overflow, which allowed them to execute any API call…

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Xen Domains, RHEL and Networking

At the office I’m deploying some new servers using Xen domains running under RHEL 5.0. We use RHEL 4.4 for our systems, and so re-deploying some of them as RHEL 4.5 (the Xen-kernel enabled version) Domains saves hardware space, money and keeps the server room cooler. Many dev servers are not utilized like production systems…

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Next Internet Tablet to include Phone?

Nokia must be responding internally to the iPhone mania. The question is, will it be a more advanced smartphone, or a phone enabled internet tablet? Scoble asked around and only got some smiles. Can Nokia really continue to push the Internet Tablet line, sans phone, now that the iPhone has set the bar so high?…

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iPhone vs N800 Quick Comparison

Apple iPhone: ARM CPU @ 667mhz [Samsung], 128Mb ram, 8GB Flash Nokia N800: ARM CPU @ 320mhz [TI], 128Mb ram, 256Mb Flash N800 has dual SD cards for more Flash, iPhone has no way to extend the 8Gb. N800 has a bigger screen, higher DPI but doesn’t have the light-touch touch-screen like the iPhone. I’d…

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Building Open Einstein

Here are some more detailed instructions on getting Open Einstein built on MacOSX Intel, using the JAM complier and targeting the Nokia 770. I also built it for MacOSX, to run locally on my macbook. The published directions are here, and you should read them first and familiarize yourself with them. Install MacPorts * MacPorts-1.5.0-10.4.dmg…

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Open Einstein booting on 770

After some trial and error, and some help from Paul G, I managed to build Open Einstein for both my Intel Mac and for my Nokia 770, using just my Macbook. I followed the directions to build at the Google Code site. I’ll have more explicit directions soon, but the code does build and run…

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Newton ARM Emulation Goes Open Source

At the 2007 Worldwide Newton Conference in Tokyo on July 8th, Paul Guyot announced that his most excellent Newton Emulator for ARM, Einstein, was now open source and available immediately on Google Code. His announcement to the NewtonTalk mailing list is worth the read. One improvement that sounds enticing: “the heavy work done these past…

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